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A Quick Guide to Surveying Your Singers and Patrons

Surveying your community might sound like an easy task, but it can quickly become overwhelming. Check out these best practices and sample questions!

3 Ways to Audition Singers Amidst COVID-19

How are community choruses handling singer auditions and new singer recruitment amidst COVID-19? Here are three ways to hold successful auditions.

How Will Chorus Member Dues and Tuition Fees Shift in 2020-2021?

A global pandemic is forcing choruses to rethink our entire business and pricing models. Here are 5 sample member dues models to use in 2020-2021!

What Community Chorus Leaders Should Be Doing Right Now

What does season planning look like amidst COVID-19? Here are a few key takeaways from our new 2020-2021 season planning guide for community choruses.

Get the Choral Marketing 101 eBook

Learn everything you need to know to market your chorus and generate revenue. Download our marketing eBook today!


Moving Your Chorus's Annual Meeting Online: A Checklist

Even though the latter part of our seasons have been canceled, our annual meetings can and should proceed as planned. Here's a guide to going digital!

How to Help Your Singers Set Up a Practice Space at Home

Adapting to this new quarantine reality is challenging. Help your chorus members settle into a good practice routine at home with these helpful tips!

Virtual Music Rehearsals: A Chorus Director’s Perspective

Despite challenges, there can be a light at the end of the virtual tunnel if you decide to attempt online chorus rehearsals. Find out what you can do!

12 Amazing Virtual Choirs to Come Out of COVID-19

Here are some of the brave souls from across the world that have created awesome virtual choirs during COVID-19.

The Importance of Staying Connected

While we may not be able to create together right now, staying connected during this pandemic is critically important. Here are a few reasons why.

Virtual Learning: Taking Your Choir Rehearsals Online

Community choruses are in for a rather long dry spell. How can choruses keep on singing while utilizing a virtual rehearsal model? We'll discuss just that.

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