You are looking at: singer recruitment

The Hard Truth About Recruitment

Trying to get singers back into your choral program? Learn the hard truth about singer recruitment and retention.

4 Creative Ways to Use Chorus Connection to Recruit New Singers

Getting to know your community can be particularly helpful when recruiting singers for your chorus. How can Chorus Connection help? Here are a few ways!

Tips for Recruiting New Singers with Social Media

Discover many effective ways to recruit new singers for your chorus using social media.

Embracing Diversity of Musical Experience in Chorus Members

Learn ways to successfully include and embrace singers with a diversity of musical and choral experience in the same ensemble.

Get the Choral Marketing 101 eBook

Learn everything you need to know to market your chorus and generate revenue. Download our marketing eBook today!


Rebuilding Your Chorus Membership 2 Years Later

With over 70% of choruses getting smaller during the pandemic, learn 4 effective ways to begin rebuilding your singer membership.

Understanding the Linguistic Nuances of Gender Identity in the Choral Ensemble

Learn the nuances of LGBTQ+ terminology to help provide the best atmosphere for your trans, non-binary, and gender-expansive singers.

What Chorus Culture Cancels Out

Learn about the cultural, racial, and other factors that create inclusion barriers for chorus singers and audience members.

Defying Gravity: This Chorus Grew Their Membership by 45% in 2020

The story of how one community chorus defied gravity and grew their membership by 45% amidst a global pandemic. Learn about their success in this article!

3 Ways to Audition Singers Amidst COVID-19

How are community choruses handling singer auditions and new singer recruitment amidst COVID-19? Here are three ways to hold successful auditions.

7 Places to Recruit Youth Singers for Your Children's Choir

Need new singers for your children's chorus? Your community has some great places to advertise. Here are the top seven places to look for new singers!

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