You are looking at: chorus management

Chorus America Conference 2024: Insider Tips and Highlights Revealed

Ready to boost your choral leadership? Chorus America's team shares tips for an unforgettable experience at the June 6-8 Conference.

Catalyst for Social Change: The Transformative Power of Choirs

Seeking harmony in life and community? Discover how choirs can transform society and boost personal growth through the power of collective voices.

5 Ways to Create Culture and Community Beyond the Notes

Discover 5 ways your organization can go beyond the music to foster a thriving sense of community within your choir. Dive into our guide now!

The Essential Role of Choir in Building Community

Is choir the new church? Explore the role that community arts organizations play in our shared experience, personal growth and sense of community.

Get the Choral Marketing 101 eBook

Learn everything you need to know to market your chorus and generate revenue. Download our marketing eBook today!


5 Quick Ways to Tune Up Your Year-End Giving

Surprise, it's December! It's not too late to boost your year-end giving. Learn how with these 5 quick and practical strategies.

From September Serenity to Concert Crunch: A Journey in GIFs

Buckle up and ride this choral pro's relatable rollercoaster as they prepare for the upcoming season. A choral journey like no other - expressed in GIFs!

Charting the Course: Tips & Tricks for Planning the Next Choral Season

Feeling behind with planning next season? Here are some tips and tricks for charting the course of your choir's concert season.

5 Elements of Effective Strategic Planning

Thinking about strategic planning? Here are 5 elements of effective strategic planning for choruses and what to include in your strategic plan.

4 Communication Strategies for a Changing Choral Landscape

Is your choir facing some big changes this year? Check out four ways to communicate about these changes to avoid friction.

Board Basics for Choruses

Learn all the basics of chorus boards: Why do we have a board? What do boards do? How does a board function? And who should be on the board?

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