5 Celebrity Musicians Doing Good Things

There's a lot of good being done in this world through music. Check out these five celebrity musicians doing just that!

Creating an Equitable Choir Space for People of all Economic Means

We say that 'choir is for everyone,' but is it? Choir is a big financial commitment. What can we do to make choir financially accessible for all? Read more!

GMCLA's Alive Music Project: A Shining Example of Community Chorus Outreach

GMCLA knocks it out of the park when it comes to community chorus outreach. Learn about the Alive Music Project and how it is changing the lives of LA's youth!

League of Voices for Equality - Repertoire for Social Justice

The Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington, DC are forming a festival chorus, League of Voices for Equality, for the 2017 Equality March. Check out their repertoire!

Get the Choral Marketing 101 eBook

Learn everything you need to know to market your chorus and generate revenue. Download our marketing eBook today!


How to Engage Members in Your Chorus Auction

Chorus auctions are a crucial fundraising effort for many and the success of them often relies on member involvement. Find out how chorus members can help!

4 Top Tips for Working with Scores in your Choir

Giving your choir scores to learn from has distinct advantages over teaching by ear, but there are challenges also. Here are some tips for working with scores!

5 Ways Singers Can Donate to Your Chorus Auction Without Soliciting

No one likes a solicitor. And equally, no one likes soliciting. So how can you obtain donated items for your chorus auction without the need for solicitation?

10 Fitness Exercises for Choir Singers and Instrumentalists

It’s no surprise that fitness is beneficial to your health. But did you know that it’s important for singers too? Check out these exercises for choir singers.

The 7 Day Ticket Sales Challenge for Choir Members

It's one week before your concert and the venue isn't even close to being sold out. Enlist the help of your chorus members with this 7-day challenge!

Why Your Company Should Start an Employee Choir Immediately

It might seem like an out-of-the-box idea for businesses to have an employee choir, but increasingly they are being implemented in the workplace. Find out why!

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