The Seven Stages of Concert Week (for Chorus Directors)

Shock. Denial. Bargaining. Guilt. Anger. Depression. Acceptance and hope. Welcome to the seven stages of concert week in GIFs (for choir directors)!

How to Analyze Marketing's Effect on Chorus Ticket Sales & Revenue

Do you know where your chorus's ticket sales come from? Here are two ways to track the source of ticket sales and prove the effectiveness of your marketing.

16 Ideas for Engaging Chorus Alumni

Even after leaving a chorus, many singers still want to stay involved with the organization. Consider these 16 ideas for engaging your chorus alumni!

Memorization Tips for Learning Choral Music

Got a tricky piece of music to memorize? Check out these top memorization tips for learning choral music! (BONUS: Memorization Plan, Cindy arr. Mack Wilberg)

Get the Choral Marketing 101 eBook

Learn everything you need to know to market your chorus and generate revenue. Download our marketing eBook today!


How to Budget for Choir Management Software

In a dream world, we'd all have choir management software but often times we are stymied by limited funds. Here are seven creative ways you can budget for it!

Why Do Choral Directors Do What They Do?

Being a choral director is a challenge. Yet still, we spend countless hours every week preparing for and teaching choir. So what keeps us doing what we do?

The Solid Foundation for a Successful Singer Retention Program

Similar to good vocal production, a good singer retention program requires a solid foundation. Learn what that foundation looks like and spark some new ideas!

Key Takeaways from the 2017 Sweet Adelines International Education Symposium

Check out the key takeaways from the 2017 Sweet Adelines International Education Symposium by Tori Cook, Director of the Harborlight Show Chorus!

How to File as a Nonprofit in 6 Steps: For Choruses and Choral Consortia

Establishing your chorus or choral consortia as a nonprofit isn't difficult. Here are six easy steps to follow when filing, plus resources and tips!

The Essential Considerations of a Concert Production Plan for Choruses

Concert production is a key factor in the success of every chorus concert. Here is a list of the essential questions for your production team to answer!

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