4 Creative Ways to Use Chorus Connection to Recruit New Singers

Getting to know your community can be particularly helpful when recruiting singers for your chorus. How can Chorus Connection help? Here are a few ways!

Understanding How Variations in Gender Expression Can Affect Vocal Pedagogy

Learn how alterations in gender expression can affect your transgender, non-binary, and gender-expansive members singers, and empathetic teaching practices to support them.

Tips for Recruiting New Singers with Social Media

Discover many effective ways to recruit new singers for your chorus using social media.

Embracing Diversity of Musical Experience in Chorus Members

Learn ways to successfully include and embrace singers with a diversity of musical and choral experience in the same ensemble.

Get the Choral Marketing 101 eBook

Learn everything you need to know to market your chorus and generate revenue. Download our marketing eBook today!


Rebuilding Your Chorus Membership 2 Years Later

With over 70% of choruses getting smaller during the pandemic, learn 4 effective ways to begin rebuilding your singer membership.

Let's Talk About Burnout

Learn many practical ways to lower stress levels in your choir - for your Choral Director, Staff, Singers, and Board Members.

10 Ways to Practice in 10 Minutes or Less

Discover 10 fast, focused, and productive ways for choral singers to rehearse and prepare for performances.

Learning From Rural Choirs: Defining Your Place in Your Community

Learn how to create a unique and valuable choral identity within your community, by adapting lessons from rural choirs.

How to Assign Voice Sections to Your Transgender Choral Members

Discover five compassionate approaches to placing your transgender, nonbinary, and gender-expansive choir members into voice sections.

Technology & Copyright tips for continuing online performances

If your choir is planning to continue online performances, here's a helpful list of tools, tips, and resources for Livestreaming and copyright approvals.

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