You are looking at: inspiration

"But What do I wear?" Four Ways to Make your Transgender, Non-Binary and Gender-Expansive Singers Feel Comfortable in Concert

Learn four practical ways you can ensure that your transgender, non-binary, and gender-expansive singers feel comfortable in the concert attire they wear.

Sweet Adelines Return!

Learn about the joyous return to public performing for Sweet Adelines at the 2022 International Competition.

Showing Gratitude: Lessons from Middle School Musical Theatre

Learn the best and most impactful way to express gratitude as a choral leader - to your singers, patrons, donors, employees, or colleagues.

Learning from Rural Choirs: Powerful Lessons That Can Help Choirs Everywhere

Discover powerful lessons from rural choirs to help strengthen your choir - no matter where you are, how large your size, or what kind of choir you manage.

Get the Choral Marketing 101 eBook

Learn everything you need to know to market your chorus and generate revenue. Download our marketing eBook today!


Post-pandemic performances are business as usual - or are they?

Learn how choruses are coping and adapting to live rehearsing and performing in our not-quite-post-pandemic world.

Programming Progress: The Influence of Funding on Inclusion in the Arts

When the works of brilliant musicians of color are so underrepresented, why are concert programs still dominated by the works of dead European composers? The answer usually has to do with risk and funding. Check out this blog to see how you can help support more diverse programming!

Helping Kids Return to In-Person Choir

Learn some tips for helping young singers recover from the stressors that have occurred over the last year and prepare for in-person singing.

Motivating Kids to Practice: A Collaborative Approach

Getting your child to practice their music outside of rehearsal time can be a challenge. Learn some strategies to motivate them to put in the work!

Maintaining Vocal Health Without Regular Rehearsals

Noticed a difference in your singing voice during quarantine? Check out these tips to re-build your vocal health in preparation for in-person rehearsals!

Time-Saving Tactics for Choral Directors

Still overscheduling yourself in 2021? Try this top five time-saving tactics perfect for even the busiest of choral directors.

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