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19 Awesome Chorus Websites to Inspire Your Next Website Redesign

Over the years, I've seen some pretty amazing websites from choral organizations. Here are nineteen that I hope inspire you to redesign your website!

Perfect Summer Projects for Community Choruses

Summer is a critical time to think through improvements to your choral operations. Here are a few ideas for summer projects to tackle!

Making the Most of Your Chorus's Annual Fund Campaign

While it's not the most effective approach, many community choruses are still heavily relying on physical mailings to meet their annual fund goals. By using various marketing channels and strategies, choruses can expand their donor database and grow their annual revenue. Learn more!

Building a Community with Bachtoberfests and Beer Choir

Singing and drinking have gone hand-in-hand for a long time - dating back to the 13th century. "Beer Choir" recently took root in the U.S. in 2015. This new outlet for singing presented opportunities to help community choruses recruit new singers, raise money, and strengthen their communities.

Get the Choral Marketing 101 eBook

Learn everything you need to know to market your chorus and generate revenue. Download our marketing eBook today!


20 Ideas for Getting Your Members Involved in the Chorus's Fundraising Initiatives

One thing we know for sure: members are the lifeblood of any community chorus. If you want your chorus's fundraising initiatives to be successful, look to your singing members to lead the way. Here are twenty ideas for engaging them with the chorus's fundraising initiatives!

How to Find Major Donors for Your Community Chorus

Finding major donors is no easy feat. You have to put a lot of effort into researching prospects, attending events, and cultivating relationships before someone is willing to make a significant contribution to your chorus. But, if you invest the time, the payoff can certainly be worth it!

How Chorus pro Musica Raised $16K+ in a Facebook Giving Tuesday Campaign

Annual fund drives. The never-ending quest for nonprofit community choruses to obtain just enough donations needed every year to survive. Find out how Boston's Chorus pro Musica utilized Facebook fundraising tools on Giving Tuesday to raise an additional $16K for their annual fund!

The Power of Peer-to-Peer Fundraising for Choruses

What happens when you take proven peer-to-peer fundraising strategies from the most successful nonprofit organizations and try them out with a community chorus? Find out in this week's blog!

7 Fundraising Focus Areas for Community Choruses

Fundraising. One of the most substantial challenges facing community choruses today. When considering how a choral organization can increase its annual revenue, here are seven vital fundraising areas on which to focus.

A Quick Guide to Setting Up Facebook Donations for Your Chorus

With nonprofit choruses, online donation tools are becoming the norm. While these tools can help increase the amount of donations received, choruses still end up losing a portion of their proceeds to transaction fees. There is, however, one platform that doesn't charge any fees at all: Facebook.

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