You are looking at: artistic development

A Fantastic Fall Season Ahead for Community Choruses

Creativity emerges this fall in the form of a diverse array of virtual and in-person choral events. Here, we've highlighted a few we felt were especial!

Advocating for Choral Singing and Artistic Growth During COVID-19

Believe it or not, Zoom can have a positive impact for singers. Here are some ways you can utilize this conferencing tool in a variety of musical contexts.

A Successful Mindset for Solitary Singing Development

When a global pandemic gives us extra time to develop our singing abilities, how do we summon the mental energy and stamina to make the most of it?

How to Help Your Singers Set Up a Practice Space at Home

Adapting to this new quarantine reality is challenging. Help your chorus members settle into a good practice routine at home with these helpful tips!

Get the Choral Marketing 101 eBook

Learn everything you need to know to market your chorus and generate revenue. Download our marketing eBook today!


Virtual Music Rehearsals: A Chorus Director’s Perspective

Despite challenges, there can be a light at the end of the virtual tunnel if you decide to attempt online chorus rehearsals. Find out what you can do!

Virtual Learning: Taking Your Choir Rehearsals Online

Community choruses are in for a rather long dry spell. How can choruses keep on singing while utilizing a virtual rehearsal model? We'll discuss just that.

How to Get Your Youth Singers to Practice Their Choral Music

Practice is essential in producing high-quality choral music and yet no young singer really wants to do it. How can we help foster healthy practice habits?

The 5 Choral Podcasts You'll Want to Listen to in 2020

Busy choral leaders can look to podcasts in 2020 to help them address their unique challenges. Check out these five choral podcasts in 2020!

Beyond Learning Notes: An Educational Program for the Mendelssohn Club of Philadelphia Singers

Mendelssohn Club of Philadelphia implemented is an educational program to help singers get invested in the choral programming beyond learning the notes.

Gaining a Global Perspective: Touring With Children's Choirs

Two children's choirs with a long touring history share their experiences with you in the hopes of inspiring future choir touring programs!

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