30-Second Covid Rehearsal Safety Survey

See 4 simple survey questions you choir can use to survey your singers about rehearsal safety.

A Choir Member Came Out to Me as Trans. Now What?

Discover 8 compassionate steps to take when a choir member comes out to you as Transgender.

Showing Gratitude: Lessons from Middle School Musical Theatre

Learn the best and most impactful way to express gratitude as a choral leader - to your singers, patrons, donors, employees, or colleagues.

Learning from Rural Choirs: Powerful Lessons That Can Help Choirs Everywhere

Discover powerful lessons from rural choirs to help strengthen your choir - no matter where you are, how large your size, or what kind of choir you manage.

Get the Choral Marketing 101 eBook

Learn everything you need to know to market your chorus and generate revenue. Download our marketing eBook today!


Crafting a Winning Digital Marketing Strategy for Your Chorus - Part 2

Learn how to use Google Analytics, SEO, and Retargeting for your chorus in this second part of our Digital Marketing series.

Regaining Vocal Strength, Breath Support and Stamina after 18 Months of Virtual Rehearsals

Discover helpful YouTube videos to assist and inspire singers to get back into vocal shape - tools to improve vocal strength, breath support, and stamina.

5 Tips for Rebuilding Your Youth Choir Post-Pandemic

Discover 5 effective administrative & artistic post-pandemic strategies to rebuild your youth chorus and better meet the needs of your children & staff.

Crafting a Winning Digital Marketing Strategy for Your Chorus - Part 1

Learn how to conceive, develop, and execute a successful digital marketing strategy for your chorus in this first part of our series.

Understanding the Linguistic Nuances of Gender Identity in the Choral Ensemble

Learn the nuances of LGBTQ+ terminology to help provide the best atmosphere for your trans, non-binary, and gender-expansive singers.

Post-pandemic performances are business as usual - or are they?

Learn how choruses are coping and adapting to live rehearsing and performing in our not-quite-post-pandemic world.

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