8 Ways to Navigate Imposter Syndrome as a Choir Director

Everyone experiences imposter syndrome. Here are 8 tips and tricks to help navigate imposter syndrome as a choir director.

Why We Sing

Singing together is amazing and sometimes we need a little reminder of Why We Sing.

5 Elements of Effective Strategic Planning

Thinking about strategic planning? Here are 5 elements of effective strategic planning for choruses and what to include in your strategic plan.

6 Planning Tips for Transgender Chorus Members

Planning a choir tour? Here are 6 tips to help make traveling more comfortable for your transgender, non-binary, and gender-expansive choir members.

Get the Choral Marketing 101 eBook

Learn everything you need to know to market your chorus and generate revenue. Download our marketing eBook today!


4 Communication Strategies for a Changing Choral Landscape

Is your choir facing some big changes this year? Check out four ways to communicate about these changes to avoid friction.

The Drive to Sing: Remembering Car Choirs

Check out this new documentary film that tells the story of the Car Choir which began during the 2020 pandemic lockdowns!

THE COVID STOPLIGHT: A System for Managing COVID's Ongoing Impact

Here's a simple way to approach minimizing COVID's effect on your choir this year!

Singing Strategies for Your Trans and Non-Binary Singers

Check out these strategies for helping your trans and non-binary singers develop healthy vocal technique!

How to Create Immersive Choral Experiences

Learn new, practical, and affordable ways to create immersive, multi-sensory experiences for your concert audiences.

Board Basics for Choruses

Learn all the basics of chorus boards: Why do we have a board? What do boards do? How does a board function? And who should be on the board?

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