Keeping Parents Happy: One Vital Component of Operating Children's Choirs

How can children's choirs keep the parents happy, engaged, and invested in the organization? Here are some considerations and ideas.

How to Get Your Youth Singers to Practice Their Choral Music

Practice is essential in producing high-quality choral music and yet no young singer really wants to do it. How can we help foster healthy practice habits?

How Much Should Community Choruses Spend on Technology?

Technology is imperative for community choruses in the 21st century. These are the systems your chorus should have and how much you should budget for them.

7 Places to Recruit Youth Singers for Your Children's Choir

Need new singers for your children's chorus? Your community has some great places to advertise. Here are the top seven places to look for new singers!

Get the Choral Marketing 101 eBook

Learn everything you need to know to market your chorus and generate revenue. Download our marketing eBook today!


The 5 Choral Podcasts You'll Want to Listen to in 2020

Busy choral leaders can look to podcasts in 2020 to help them address their unique challenges. Check out these five choral podcasts in 2020!

Intentional Chorus Recruitment Strategies for 2020

There is always going to be a moment when your chorus says, “We need people!” Here's how to address specific recruitment challenges in 2020!

Beyond Learning Notes: An Educational Program for the Mendelssohn Club of Philadelphia Singers

Mendelssohn Club of Philadelphia implemented is an educational program to help singers get invested in the choral programming beyond learning the notes.

Gaining a Global Perspective: Touring With Children's Choirs

Two children's choirs with a long touring history share their experiences with you in the hopes of inspiring future choir touring programs!

How to Find, Qualify, and Prepare Grant Applications for Your Chorus

Grant funding is available for choruses, but few of us seem to know the best way to approach the process. Learn how to find, qualify, and apply for grants.

The Ultimate Chorus Tech Stack: The Technology You Need to Manage Your Community Chorus in 2020

The 21st century has presented community choruses with a new challenge: our patrons expect more from us. Finding the right technology is the solution.

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