Restructuring Revenue Models: 40+ Potential New Sources of Income for Community Choruses

A list of 40+ potential revenue streams for community choruses tackling a global pandemic.

Advocating for Choral Singing and Artistic Growth During COVID-19

Believe it or not, Zoom can have a positive impact for singers. Here are some ways you can utilize this conferencing tool in a variety of musical contexts.

Motivating Youth Singers and Building New Skills During a Pandemic

Guest author and Choral Director at Newark Academy, Viraj Lal, shares his experiences navigating a global pandemic and motivating his youth singers.

Questions Community Choruses Should Be Asking Concert Venues Soon

A list of sample questions and discussion topics to bring to concert venues to help them plan for reopening.

Get the Choral Marketing 101 eBook

Learn everything you need to know to market your chorus and generate revenue. Download our marketing eBook today!


A Quick Guide to Surveying Your Singers and Patrons

Surveying your community might sound like an easy task, but it can quickly become overwhelming. Check out these best practices and sample questions!

What Performing Arts Organizations Need Right Now From Concert Venues

An honest letter to concert venues addressing challenges the performing arts industry is facing amidst COVID-19.

About the Black Voices Matter Pledge: An Interview with Alexander Lloyd Blake

We had the opportunity to catch up with Alexander Lloyd Blake, co-author of the Black Voices Matter pledge to learn more about the pledge.

3 Ways to Audition Singers Amidst COVID-19

How are community choruses handling singer auditions and new singer recruitment amidst COVID-19? Here are three ways to hold successful auditions.

How Will Chorus Member Dues and Tuition Fees Shift in 2020-2021?

A global pandemic is forcing choruses to rethink our entire business and pricing models. Here are 5 sample member dues models to use in 2020-2021!

A Sample 2020-2021 Budgeting Process for Community Choruses

How do community choruses budget in a global pandemic? Guest blogger, Kenny Litvack, shares a few recommendations for a pain-free budgeting experience.

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