You are looking at: racial equity

An Art of Inclusion: Navigating Uncertain Times in the Choral Sector

How can choirs remain authentic amid uncertainty? Explore strategies to navigate policy & foster belonging. FREE webinar offers actionable insight.

From Aspiration to Practice: 6 Steps for Acting on Your DEI Statement

Does your chorus want to make real change? Learn 6 actionable steps to turn your DEI goals into impactful practices that drive inclusivity and progress.

Honoring Black Music Part 3: Black Music Exploration Guide

Curious about Black choral works? Explore the history and evolution of Black music with this guide to deepen your choir’s understanding and performance!

How to Honor Black Music Throughout the Year Part 2: Black Choral Literature

Dreaming of a diverse repertoire? Explore the richness of Black choral literature and the composers behind it and enrich your choir's programs year-round.

Get the Choral Marketing 101 eBook

Learn everything you need to know to market your chorus and generate revenue. Download our marketing eBook today!


How to Honor Black Music Throughout the Year Part 1: Spirituals

Looking for ways to uplift Black music year-round? Unlock tips and resources to help you program Black composers and repertoire beyond Black History Month.

How to Assign Voice Sections to Your Transgender Choral Members

Discover five compassionate approaches to placing your transgender, nonbinary, and gender-expansive choir members into voice sections.

Building and Sustaining Inclusive Choral Spaces

Learn how to create and foster a community where all singers feel welcome and see themselves reflected and respected in their chorus participation.

What Chorus Culture Cancels Out

Learn about the cultural, racial, and other factors that create inclusion barriers for chorus singers and audience members.

Programming Progress: The Influence of Funding on Inclusion in the Arts

When the works of brilliant musicians of color are so underrepresented, why are concert programs still dominated by the works of dead European composers? The answer usually has to do with risk and funding. Check out this blog to see how you can help support more diverse programming!

Restoring the National Negro Opera House in Honor of Mary Cardwell Dawson

Learn about Madame Mary Cardwell Dawson and the first Black opera company in the U.S. Chip in to support the restoration of the National Negro Opera House!

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