Chorus America Conference 2024: Insider Tips and Highlights Revealed

Chorus Connection Blog Team May 23, 2024

Learn more: chorus management

A room full of conference attendees wearing red lanyards and name tags with their mouths open as they face the camera and sing

It’s that time of year again, when choral leaders converge for the annual Chorus America Conference, this year in Atlanta, Georgia! We at Chorus Connection look forward to this event every year and we look forward to seeing so many of you, our wonderful readers and customers (our family!), in real life.

The annual Chorus America Conference brings choral leaders from the U.S., Canada, and beyond together to be inspired by speakers and fresh ideas, learn valuable strategies for your chorus, and explore the most timely and relevant topics facing the choral field. This year’s conference also features performances by Atlanta Master Chorale, Kinnara, Trey Clegg Singers, and more. If you haven't already purchased your ticket, there's still time to save with Advance Registration through May 23!

It takes a village to make this conference happen, and we wanted to hear directly from the Chorus America team about what they look forward to most and see if they have any tips for this year’s conference.

What are you looking forward to most at this year’s conference? And do you have any tips or must-see recommendations for this year’s conference?

A woman with brown curly hair smiles at the camera - Kim Theodore Sidney Headshot “This may seem obvious, but each year at Conference, I look forward to seeing good friends and making new ones! There’s something very inspiring and recharging about learning new practices in our field, sharing challenges with fellow choral administrators and artists, and being moved by beautiful concerts – together.” — Kim Theodore Sidey, Director of Grants


A woman with bangs and hair cut above her shoulders smiles at the camera - Vale Southard Headshot“One of my favorite moments each day at Conference is the Daily Sing! The opportunity to connect and make music with everyone puts such a smile on my face. It’s an important reminder that we all do what we do because we love group singing!” — Vale Southard, Membership & Grants Senior Associate


Six diverse adults standing in a line, with arms around each other, wearing conference lanyards and name tags, smiling at the camera.

“The opening plenary is like watching a family reunion when everyone first walks in. There is so much joy in catching up”

Woman with short curly hair wearing black frame glasses smiles at the camera - Christie McKinney Headshot“I have two favorite moments each year – the opening plenary and our One-on-One sessions. The opening plenary is like watching a family reunion when everyone first walks in. There is so much joy in catching up with colleagues and friends and excited anticipation of the events ahead. One-on-Ones are special moments where the conversations can go deep and really benefit both people. When you see everyone leaning in, you know there is great conversation happening!” — Christie McKinney, Vice President of Programs, Strategy, and Development

A woman with short blonde hair smiles at the camera while wearing a blue, green and purple scarf and black business blazer - Catherine Dehoney headshot“Conference isn’t real to me until the opening plenary session, and then it’s ON. I love the spirit in the room and finally seeing the Chorus America family gathered together each year. I’d say a “must” is to be bold and talk to those you don’t know, maybe seated next to you at plenaries or a Roundtable. I’ve learned a lot about our field that way. And of course, at the Gala, there is always something fun and unexpected.” — Catherine Dehoney, President and CEO

“Choral leaders from across the continent come together in this moment to share and lift each other up."

Woman with long straight brown hair wearing grey frame glasses smiles at the camera -Karyn Castro Headshot“This might be a hot take, but Peer Forums are one of my favorite moments of Conference. It’s a time when attendees gather with similar chorus types, and there is a certain frequency to the buzz and excitement in the room. There is laughter, there are serious discussions, there’s brainstorming and sharing of things that have worked well. Choral leaders from across the continent come together in this moment to share and lift each other up. It’s a wonderful thing to witness and be part of!” — Karyn Castro, Programs and Membership Manager

Close up photo of hands holding a rainbow colored name tag with "First Time Conference Attendee" embossed in gold

Woman with short brown hair and a black blazer smiles at the camera -Hannah Grasso-McClain Headshot“I'm looking forward to meeting everyone at my first Chorus America Conference! I'm excited to run our Conference Campaign table, where everyone's invited to stop by and celebrate their choral "roots" in a community display. I can't wait to hear your stories and learn about the people who make this community so special.” — Hannah Grasso-McClain, Development Manager


Man with a light brown beard and hair smiles at the camera - Casey Cook Headshot“Two big standouts for me: I’m in charge of registration, so obviously the first day is intense! It’s great to say hello or give a hug to so many people I’ve gotten to know over the years. After that, there’s a certain electricity in the air at the Gala. It’s always a blast to see what kind of hijinks the crowd gets up to, and to see everyone celebrating at Choir Prom.” — Casey Cook, Information and Digital Asset Manager


A group of five diverse adults sitting around a table looking toward a man who is holding an iPad with a conference schedule on the screen, facing the camera.

“Some of the most memorable conversations happen during those in-between times!”

Man with a short beart and plaid buttoned shirt smiles at the camera - Mike Rowan Headshot“I'm most excited about delving into the plenary session at the 2024 Chorus America Conference, where we'll explore AI topics and their implications for the future of choral music ... at least that’s what ChatGPT said! But for real, take advantage of opportunities to meet new people—sharing a meal at a Dine-Around or even during some unstructured time is such an enjoyable way to complement the official programming of Conference. Some of the most memorable conversations happen during those in-between times!” — Mike Rowan, Associate Director of Communications

Woman with light brown shoulder length hair and small silver loop earrings smiles at the camera - Liza Beth Headshot“The Opening Night Reception is always a highlight of Conference for me! It’s a casual, fun chance to reconnect with people I’ve met at previous Conferences—plus I always like to look for our rainbow First-Time Attendee ribbons on name tags to meet new people and find out what brought them to Conference and what they are hoping to take away from the experience. For our staff, the preparation and build-up to Conference stretches out over many months—feeling the energy in that room is a moment when it all comes together.” — Liza Beth, Vice President of Communications and Membership

Now we want to hear from you - what are YOU looking forward to at the Chorus America Conference?

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Chorus Connection Blog Team

The Chorus Connection Blog Team brings expertise in choir management and digital storytelling to curate and create educational and inspiring choral resources for the people within the choral community.

Chorus Connection Blog Team