You are looking at: racial equity

Creating a Safer Choral Space for Trans Singers

In this article, Lindsey Deaton, Founder/Artistic Director of the Trans Chorus of Los Angeles, sheds some light for choirs looking to be more trans-inclusive.

5 Celebrity Musicians Doing Good Things

There's a lot of good being done in this world through music. Check out these five celebrity musicians doing just that!

Creating an Equitable Choir Space for People of all Economic Means

We say that 'choir is for everyone,' but is it? Choir is a big financial commitment. What can we do to make choir financially accessible for all? Read more!

GMCLA's Alive Music Project: A Shining Example of Community Chorus Outreach

GMCLA knocks it out of the park when it comes to community chorus outreach. Learn about the Alive Music Project and how it is changing the lives of LA's youth!

Get the Choral Marketing 101 eBook

Learn everything you need to know to market your chorus and generate revenue. Download our marketing eBook today!


League of Voices for Equality - Repertoire for Social Justice

The Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington, DC are forming a festival chorus, League of Voices for Equality, for the 2017 Equality March. Check out their repertoire!
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