Similar to good vocal production, a good singer retention program requires a solid foundation before it can be built upon and enhanced. This foundation typically consists of an onboarding, administration, communication, and engagement strategy.
Within your chorus, there should be some type of plan for onboarding new singers as a way to get them affiliated with your organization.
A good place to start is by creating a singer handbook. The handbook should contain general information about the chorus and its identity, member dues and fees, contact information for chorus leaders, rehearsal and practice expectations, other responsibilities of the member, concert attire, and any other information your new singers need to know.
Choruses with more developed onboarding programs might also have:
This might seem like a no-brainer, but the administration of member data can make or break your retention efforts. If data is entered inaccurately, for example, your singers will miss out on important chorus information.
The bare minimum requirement of administration is that you have a regularly updated singer database.
Choruses with excellent member administration also might have:
Communication is key to retaining singers. Singers want to get the right information at the right time. Too much, too little, or inaccurate information can lead to frustrations within the chorus membership.
The basic foundation for chorus communications includes having the right communication channel, a regular frequency for chorus communications, and a consistent person in charge of communications.
Choruses which excel in communications might also have:
Last, but certainly not least, is singer engagement. Like employees in a business, your singers should feel invested in the organization.
A basic member engagement plan is to make sure you have plenty of volunteer, musical, and social opportunities within the organization and the community.
Choruses with great member engagement often offer one or more of the following:
Once you have the solid foundation for a singer retention program, look to some of the other ideas listed above to see how you can expand upon it. Good luck!