Chorus Connection Blog

From September Serenity to Concert Crunch: A Journey in GIFs

Written by Jen Rogers | Sep 21, 2023

I’ve been feeling thankful it’s still September, feeling the calm before the seasonal storm, and that I still have so much time to get everything ready for the start of our concert season.


But then I woke up at 3:00 AM last weekend, realizing our first concert is only seven weeks away.


And now I’m freaking out… 


Because obviously there’s SO much to do. Nothing was due and now everything seems due all at once.


Here’s what’s actually going on in my head right now:


We need to finalize program and advertising details…


Get our singers and venues and volunteers organized…


We need to promote the concert! Fundraise! And try not to panic that patrons are buying at the last minute... It’s okay. I’m okay, you’re okay. Remember to breathe!


I'm trying to remind myself that we've got this. It’s fine. Everything is fine, right?!


But really, if this is you, you aren’t alone. So many of us are feeling this crunch right now.


But you got this.

I'm saying this out loud for you - and to remind myself. You can do it. You got it dude. We got this!